Relevance and adaptation of the theoretical bases and methodological foundations for dualvocational trainning in order to improve academic offerings of Costa Rica’s higher education: Study Case of Escuela de Secretariado Profesional




Dual Vocational Training, pedagogical practice, teaching modality, practical experience


Since 2000, the Escuela de Secretariado Profesional (ESP) has ventured into the Dual Vocational Training Project as a teaching and learning modality. Its purpose is to promote the comprehensive development of the university community members and provide them with a humanistic education based on the study of the national reality. This Project involves a practical experience in which students assume responsibilities according to their academic level. It offers students suitable training for their professional profile and ensures a supply of competent human capital for the corporate area.

This Project was born with the purpose of “promoting the comprehensive development of the members of the university community and providing them with humanistic training, based on the study of the national reality and in light of the themes and achievements of universal culture”, as stated in the Organic Statute of the National University.

Dual training promotes the linking of theory and practice and integrates the student into the company for the development of new professional skills; it seeks to articulate the training and development of generic and specific skills effectively and efficiently, aimed to achieve comprehensive training in the student, in addition to work experience.

Currently, dual training is not part of the academic curriculum, and students voluntarily choose to participate. Tutor professors collaborate on an honorary basis, and companies receive competent and qualified human resources without payment for the services provided by the student. Therefore, the article aims to validate the relevance and adaptation of the theoretical foundations and methodological principles to enhance higher education offerings in Costa Rica.



How to Cite

Sánchez Rodríguez, G. (2023). Relevance and adaptation of the theoretical bases and methodological foundations for dualvocational trainning in order to improve academic offerings of Costa Rica’s higher education: Study Case of Escuela de Secretariado Profesional. Respaldo, 8(2), 1-19.

How to Cite

Sánchez Rodríguez, G. (2023). Relevance and adaptation of the theoretical bases and methodological foundations for dualvocational trainning in order to improve academic offerings of Costa Rica’s higher education: Study Case of Escuela de Secretariado Profesional. Respaldo, 8(2), 1-19.

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