Should basic translation techniques be included into office administration studyprograms in Costa Rica?




techniques, translation, English, Spanish, office administration, admin- istrative assistance


The continuous flourishing of national and international companies in Costa Rica has impacted the way office administrators carry out their daily tasks and have also experienced transformations in their workplace. The latter also means that those who carry out these activities need to learn new techniques, computer packages use, languages, and other skills to perform their jobs. In recent decades, the tasks of this branch have been many; however, now that many companies have offices or contact with people in English-speaking countries, it is time to face this change when doing business, as a country. And this is why the author proposes to begin including skills such as basic translation techniques in the study programs of this major in Costa Rica. This would benefit workers, companies, and the country in general. This is why this article focuses on the need to include and improve areas such as basic translation techniques in office administration study programs in Costa Rica. In addition to giving a recommendation, in case these techniques cannot be included to these programs, another option would be teaching a course in administrative translation.

Author Biography

M.Ed. Izabella Sepúlveda Aguilar, Universidad Técnica Nacional

Master in educational sciences with emphasis in teaching, Associate degree in English with emphasis in Spanish – English, English – Spanish translation. More than 20 years of experience in higher education training professional English users for various areas (commerce, teaching, customer service centers and others). More than 7 years of experience teaching translation for professionals in Administrative Assistance.



How to Cite

Sepúlveda Aguilar, I. (2024). Should basic translation techniques be included into office administration studyprograms in Costa Rica?. Respaldo, 9(1), 44-51.

How to Cite

Sepúlveda Aguilar, I. (2024). Should basic translation techniques be included into office administration studyprograms in Costa Rica?. Respaldo, 9(1), 44-51.