Minutes of collegiate bodies: new dispositions for the office administration professional





Minutes, collegial bodies, public administration, format, writing, literality, office administration, secretary


This article focuses on a review of the literature related to the new guidelines for the preparation of minutes.  The main objective of this study is to analyze the legislative and regulatory changes implemented in Costa Rica, as well as the incorporation of technology in the management of collegiate bodies and the documentation associated with their work. The research is framed within the hermeneutic paradigm and was developed through a documentary review model that involved the compilation and thorough analysis of various bibliographic sources.  Among the results found, it is highlighted that the legislative and regulatory changes have significantly transformed the dynamics of the drafting and format of this document, which requires a continuous training process for office administration professionals. One of the most relevant findings highlights the importance of administrative transparency for the proper management of organizations, in which the minutes play a crucial role as a document that evidences what was discussed and agreements made in the collegial bodies. It also emphasizes the existence of new provisions regulating the drafting and format of the minutes.

Author Biographies

Brandon Solís Chaverri, National University of Costa Rica

Máster en Currículum y Docencia Universitaria, licenciado en Educación Comercial con mención cum laude, investigador y docente de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. Sus líneas de investigación son la didáctica de la Educación Comercial y las tendencias de la gestión administrativa de oficina. Posee experiencia como docente universitario en las carreras de Administración de Oficinas, Educación Comercial y Asistencia Administrativa, a nivel de secundaria ha laborado como profesor de educación técnica en las especialidades de Ejecutivo Comercial y de Servicio al Cliente, así como de Secretariado Ejecutivo.

Paola Alfaro Vargas, National University of Costa Rica

Licenciada en Administración de Empresas con Énfasis en Recursos Humanos y bachiller en Administración de Oficinas. Posee amplia experiencia en puestos secretariales y en la toma de actas de órganos colegiado, así como en docencia universitaria en la formación de profesionales en administración.



How to Cite

Solís Chaverri, B., & Alfaro Vargas, P. (2024). Minutes of collegiate bodies: new dispositions for the office administration professional. Respaldo, 9(2), 52-70. https://doi.org/10.15359/respaldo.9-2.5

How to Cite

Solís Chaverri, B., & Alfaro Vargas, P. (2024). Minutes of collegiate bodies: new dispositions for the office administration professional. Respaldo, 9(2), 52-70. https://doi.org/10.15359/respaldo.9-2.5