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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors

The Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras is an ongoing biannual journal of the School of Biological Sciences, National University, of scientific dissemination and publishes:

                                Scientific articles (original and unpublished)

                                Scientific notes (short communications) and

                                Bibliographic reviews

The Editorial Committee requests the authors to comply with the following instructions:

1. Adjust their article to the Instructions for authors of the Journal Ciencias Marinas y Costeras.

2. Complete the letter of originality and assignment of rights can be downloaded from the journal's website (Download the letter: Statement of originality and assignment of rights).

3. Register through our web platform OJS3.

4. Once registered, enter the menu option: New submission.

                                                                                                  INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS

A. General format

Language:                      English or Spanish, abstract in both languages.

Fonts:                              Headings of sections: Times New Roman 14 pts.

                                         Text: Times New Roman 12 pts.

                                         Titles of figures and tables, name of authors and keywords: Times New Roman 11 pts.

                                         Abstract and resumen: Times New Roman 10 pts.

Text:                                Double-spaced; indent paragraphs 5 spaces, except for resumen and abstract.

Maximum length:        Scientific articles: 25 pages maximum including figures and tables. Longer articles will only be accepted upon justification submitted to the Editorial Committee.

                                        Scientific notes: 6 pages maximum.

                                        Reviews: 25 pages maximum.

Margins:                       Top: 3 cm

                                       Bottom: 2.5 cm

                                       Left: 3 cm

                                       Right: 2.5 cm

Abbreviations shall be used according to the International Unit System (m, km, g, mg, %, PSU, ºC). Use period for decimals instead of comma. Do not include footnotes or appendices. Additional material may be included only if indispensable.

B. General structure for a scientific paper

Title of the article: Centered, bold, both in English and in Spanish, capital letters, 14 pts. Leave a single space between the title and the authors.

• Author(s): Times New Roman 11pts. Write first and last names in italics, justificy text and indicate institutional affiliation (use superscript numbers), place of work or physical address and e-mail. Include affiliation of all authors; mark corresponding author with an asterisk. Leave a single space between the author(s) and the abstract.

• Titles of sections must be aligned to the left, in capital letters and in bold (INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY). Use a single space before the text. Do not leave spaces between paragraphs of the same section.

Abstract: Each article will be preceded by the abstracts in English and Spanish, each one not exceeding 250 words.

Keywords: Each abstract will be followed by keywords (five words max.) representing the article content.

Introduction: The purpose of the article and the research problem reasoning shall be explained here. Specific information on the background of the study and the state of the art shall be included as well.

Materials and methods: The methodology used and all the necessary information to repeat the work shall be included here. The reasons regarding selected methods may also be explained in this section.

Results: Results will be presented in a text format. Data may be included in tables and figures (when required). Tables and figures shall be consecutively numbered and identified with titles according to the content (in English and Spanish); do not use bold; use accent marks over small as well as capital letters in Spanish. All data sources shall be cited and included in the text. Do not include information or illustrations unrelated to the text.

Titles of tables: Double-spaced; avoid vertical lines and use horizontal lines only to separate information fields (headings, sub-headings, independent spaces in the middle or at the bottom such as subtotals). Titles must be in the upper section of the table, in small letters and in bold.

Titles of figures: Double-spaced; Title must be at the bottom of the figure, in small letters and in bold.

Tables and figures should be reduced as appropriate (no more than 60%); the elements in the tables and figures should have the appropriate size for easy reading. Choose the appropriate font size and line-width to keep the letters clear and visible even after a reduction. Reduced fonts shall not be less than 8 pts. Drawings and/or photographs may be included in the manuscript: photographs will be published by the journal in black and white at no cost; in any other case, the author will cover the costs.

Image formatting: Figures and tables must be prepared carefully to avoid any delays in the manuscript editing and the diagramming process. Regardless of the application used, when images or tables are included electronically, save or convert them using the following formats:

                                 EPS: Vector drawings. Insert the source reference or safe the text as graphics.

                                 TIFF: Color or grayscale photographs, always use 300 dpi minimum.

                                 TIFF: For bitmap images, use 1000 dpi minimum.

                                 TIFF: For combinations of bitmap/half tone (color or grayscale) use 500 dpi minimum.

                                 DOC, XLS or PPT: Indicate if images or tables were created in Microsoft Office®.

Tables and figures shall be submitted separately.

Discussion: The author will discuss the most relevant results, using pertinent and updated references. Only one Results and Discussion section is allowed.

Conclusions: All conclusions shall be based on the data presented and discussed. Conclusions shall strictly agree with the purpose of the article. If the article is a synthesis of findings, proposals may be included in this section, at the author’s discretion.

Acknowledgements: This section must reflect an authentic appreciation to the research collaborators.

Bibliography: Bibliographic references shall follow the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA), available at the Journal’s Website (

Periodicals: Periodicals are regular publications: journals, newspapers, illustrated bulletins, etc. The format required is as follows:

Author, A. A., Author, E. E. & Author, C. C. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Title of the scientific journal in italics and correctly abbreviated according to the ISI standards, Volume (number in parenthesis), initial and final  pages       separated by a hyphen.

Tomasko, D. A. & Lapointe, B. E. (1991). Productivity and biomass of Thalassia testudinum as related to water column nutrient availability and epiphyte levels: field observations and experimental studies. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 75(3), 9-17.

Non-periodical publications: Non-periodical publications are those published separately: books, reports, booklets, some monographies, manuals and audiovisual media. Follow this format:

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of the work. Place: Publishing house. Book

Robinson, D. N. (1992). Social discourse and moral judgment. San Diego, CA, USA: Academic Press.

Chapter of a book

O'Neil, J. M. & Egan, J. (1992). Men's and women's gender role journeys; Metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. In E. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp. 107-123). New York, USA: Springer.

Conference proceedings

González, R., Calvo, A., Benavides, G. & Casullo, M. (1998, November). Evaluación de la conducta social de Aratus pisonii. Paper presented in the Congreso Latioamericano de Carcinología, Salamanca, Spain.

Web page

Dewey, R. A. (2002). La torsión en los gastrópodos: una revisión. Retrieved on January 25, 2003 available at http://www.gpa.orljoumalsljacobson.html

Article in an electronic journal

Jacobson, J. W., Mulick, J. A. & Schwartz, A. A. (1995). A history of facilitated communication: Science, pseudoscience, and antiscience: Science working group on facilitated communication. American Psychologist, 50, 750-765. Retrieved on January 25, 1996, available at http://www.gpa.orljoumalsljacobson.html

From a database on CD-ROM

Schneiderman, R. A. (1997). Librarians can make sense of the Net. San Antonio Business Journal, 11(3). Retrieved on January 27, 1999. From the EBSCO database (Masterfile), available at Thesis Wilfley, D. E. (1989). Interpersonal analysis of bulimia: Normal-weight and obese. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Missouri, Columbia.

Unpublished communications: Unpublished communications will not be included in the references; they will only be mentioned in the text. Include the name of the person who provides the information, media and date. Ej.: “La coloración de A. similis varía con los periodos de lluvia” (C. Fonseca, personal communication, June 29, 2000).

C. General structure for a scientific note

Apply the same criteria used for the scientific article regarding Title of the article, author(s), abstract and resumen and keywords, except for the number of words in the abstract (70 words max).

• Titles of sections must be on the left margin (INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY). The titles of sections shall be in capital letters and in bold. Leave a space to start the text. Do not leave spaces between paragraphs of the same section.

Introduction: Explain, clearly and concisely, the problem to be resolved and the objective with a theoretical base. The text should be continuous, not leaving spaces between paragraphs.

Tables and figures: Same format as the scientific articles.

Acknowledgements: This section will be included as the last paragraph, with no heading. "Official" names should not be translated.

Bibliography: Same format as the scientific articles.

D. General structure for a literature review

This type of article includes literature reviews of a specific field of study related to the theme of the Journal. Authors may review the most relevant exponents, their main ideas and contributions, as well as conduct analyses and make comments based on sustained objective statements.

• Elements of a literature review article

            • Title (in English and Spanish).

            • Affiliation.

            • Keywords (in English and Spanish).

            • Abstract (in English and Spanish). Include the following in this section:

                       • Objective of the study.

                       • Topic addressed and its significance.

                       • Periods or stages of the bibliographic information consulted in the analysis.

                      • Main criteria for analyzing the bibliographic information consulted.

                      • Main findings and conclusions.

                      • Main applications, implications and recommendations.

                      • Necessary information that would help the reader quickly identify the basic content of the paper and its relevance. The paper is semantically self-sufficient.

• Introduction: Establishes the objective or problem that motivated the review and includes the paper’s organization criteria.

• Development: Specifies the bibliographic analysis

• Conclusions or discussions and pending matters.

E. Manuscript stages

1. Receiving date

Articles will be received throughout the year; however, the due date will be March 30th of each year to guarantee that the publication will appear on the volume of the corresponding year.

2. Delivery

The first version of the manuscript can be sent in digital form, together with the attached statement of originality and copyright transfer agreement duly completed and signed by all the authors, to the following emails: or It can alternatively be sent by postal mail to the following addresses:


M.Sc. Nidya Cecilia Nova Bustos

Editora jefe

Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras

Universidad Nacional

Apartado Postal 86-3000

Costa Rica

Dr. Ricardo A. Jiménez Montealegre


Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras

Universidad Nacional

Apartado Postal 86-3000

Costa Rica




Content of the Statement of Originality and Copyright Transfer Agreement

1.     The article is original and has not been published: in other words, it is the intellectual production of the person(s) indicated above and has not been publicly shared with third parties by any printed or digital means.

2.     The article has not been simultaneously submitted for publication in another printed or electronic journal or any other written media or editorial body. In case the article has already been submitted in another journal, please explain why it was not accepted and indicate the email of the journal where it was originally submitted.

3.     The authors have not subscribed, with third parties, any transfer of intellectual proprietary rights agreements or use licenses regarding intellectual property rights for the submitted article that prevents them from licensing the Journal.

4.     In case of collective authorship— whether works in which the authors have the same degree of involvement or those in which there is a lead author and one or more secondary authors— all authors have contributed intellectually to the paper.

5.     In case of collective authorship (as specified in item 4), in relation to the recognition of participation levels assigned by the authors, they released Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras from any liability.

6.     In case of collective authorship, all authors have read and approved the submitted manuscript. Therefore, we, the undersigned authors, appoint ___________________________ as the corresponding author having sufficient authority to represent the other authors, on his/her capacity as the authorized agent.

7.     The author(s) recognize(s) that the Journal does not necessarily endorse the statements expressed in the article.

8.     The author(s) state(s) that all text citations in the paper and their corresponding bibliographic references have been properly sourced and credited.

9.     The author(s) include(s) in the paper the permits or authorization from those who own the rights for use of tables and figures (illustrations, photographs, drawings, maps, diagrams, or other).

10. In case the submitted paper is accepted for publication, the author(s) FREELY, EXCLUSIVELY, AND FOR AN INDEFINITE TERM transfer(s) copyright(s) to Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica), for the following:

a.     Graphics editing and proofreading of the entire paper or part of it.

b.     The publication and reproduction of the entire paper or part of it, both in printed and electronic formats, including Internet and any other technology now known or to be known.

c.     The translation of the paper or part thereof into any language or dialect.

d.     The adaptation of the article to reading, sound, and voice recognition formats and any other representation or technical device available, enabling partial or complete access for the blind or persons with any other form of disability that prevents them to access the conventional reading of the article.

e.     The distribution and availability of the article to the public, so that the public may access it from the time and place chosen by the reader, through the physical or electronic devises at the person’s disposal.

f.      The distribution of the paper through the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license, version 4.0, which implies the possibility that readers download, store, copy, generate derived papers, and distribute the final approved and published version (post print) of the article, provided it is done for non commercial purposes, and the article is properly sourced and credited.

g.     Any other use, process, or system known or to be known related to the editorial purposes and activities linked to the Journal.

11. Reuse Rights: at the same time, UNA grants AUTHORS the right to reuse, for any purpose, and to publish on the Internet or any website, the final approved and published version (post print) of the article, provided it is done for non-profit purposes.

12. The author(s) agree(s) that the submitted paper be adjusted, with their collaboration, by the Journal editing team to the “Instructions to Authors” previously established and published in the Journal’s official website (; in terms of procedures, formatting, proofreading, editing, publication, duration of the editorial process and other requirements called for in those instructions.

13. The author(s) accept(s) that the Journal reserves the right to expeditiously remove or block access to the publications saved in its virtual platforms after obtaining actual knowledge of a complaint filed by a third party for an alleged infringement of copyright.

14. According to Law No. 8968, Personal Data Protection Law, the AUTHOR agrees to provide the Journal with an electronic mail address, as well as the personal data necessary for the identification of the authorship of the article: _____________________________. In addition, the author authorizes the Journal to publish, along with the article, the personal data necessary (name and last name, institution, city/country, email and ORCID number). Any personal data other than the one indicated above will be treated as absolutely confidential by the Journal and shall not be published or given to third parties without the AUTHOR’s consent.

15. The author(s) accept(s) that the application and possible publication of the article in Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras is governed by the editorial policies of the Journal, the institutional rules of Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica and the laws of the Republic of Costa Rica. In addition, in case of any possible difference of opinion or future dispute, it shall be settled in accordance with the mechanisms of Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Costa Rican jurisdiction.

The articles accepted by the Journal of Marine and Coastal Sciences become property of the Journal; the author and production rights are respected.  The original manuscripts will not be returned.

3. Arbitration

The manuscripts that fulfill the thematic objectives of the Journal and adjust to the indicated format will be sent to at least two external evaluators who will review the document according to the “double blind” methodology and will make the necessary recommendations to improve them or declare them unacceptable. The Editorial Committee will send such observations to the author. If the article is accepted, but subject to modifications, the author will have a specific term to make such modifications and submit the manuscript again. Final approval of articles is granted by the Editorial Committee.

4. Galley proof and reprints

After the manuscript has been proofread, edited and accepted, the author will receive a final galley proof in PDF by email before the publication of the article. The authors will be responsible for the final review, making the minimum necessary changes and correcting any existing printing mistakes. The authors should return the galley proof within a maximum period of one week from the date it was received. The delay in returning the galley proof may result in the publication of the article without the author’s corrections.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Provide the "Letter of Declaration of originality and cession of rights" along with the manuscript for evaluation. *Remember to attach this document signed by all authors in the complementary files section.
  • Declares that the article has not been simultaneously submitted for publication to another print or electronic journal or any other written media or editorial body.
  • The manuscript complies to the letter with the Instructions for Authors
  • The submitted manuscript is in Microsoft Work format
  • States that the manuscript has not been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text of the manuscript should be submitted in a letter size document, Times New Roman 12 point font for the entire text, double spaced; each paragraph with an initial indentation of 5 characters. It does not include the summary and abstract. The recommended length should not exceed 25 pages including Figures, Tables and bibliographical references.
  • The manuscript can be considered works with data more than 5 years old, EXCEPT IN VERY JUSTIFIED CASES
  • The manuscript complies with the APA norms of the current edition. These are specified in the publication guidelines of the Journal. The DOI or PMID has been added for bibliographic references.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses registered in this Journal's system will be used exclusively for the stated purposes and will not be available for any other purpose or to any other person.