First record of Amorphinopsis atlantica Carvalho, Hadju, Mothes & van Soest, 2004 (Family: Halichondriidae) for a lagoon system in the Gulf of Mexico
sponges, distribution, estuary, mangroves, Tampamachoco lagoon, Amorphinopsis atlanticaAbstract
Amorphinopsis atlantica is recorded for the first time in a lagoon system of the Gulf of Mexico. This sponge was reported in Brazil where it prefers to settle on rocky shores and estuaries. Specimens were observed and collected from the Tampamachoco lagoon in northern Veracruz, Mexico. Subjects observed were epibionts on Isognomon alatus oyster beds, standing out for their yellow coloration and massively encrusting form with prolonged branches. Megascleres both oxeas (331-774/7-16 μm; length/width) and styles (138-205/5-9 μm; length/width) were present. Based on the observations made from 2015 to date, A. atlantica is considered to be a species well established in the lagoon system. This record increases the original distribution range of A. atlantica towards the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico.
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