Algae community of the mangrove at Playa Estrella, Colón Island, Bocas del Toro, Panama
Bostrychetium, roots, vertical distribution, tolerance to salinity, Caribbean SeaAbstract
A descriptive exploratory study was conducted on macroalgae species associated to roots of R. mangle in Playa Estrella, Colón Island, Bocas del Toro, Panama, in August 2012. The main objective of the study was to collect and describe algae species and know the vertical distribution formed in the roots. In order to know the algae vertical distribution, three zones were established in each root: the low zone going from the base of the root to 0.50 m in height, the average zone going from 0.50 m to 1.10 m, and the high zone from 1.10 to 1.30 m., based on Peña-Salamanca (2008). Eleven species of phylum Rhodophyta were identified, of which B. montagnei, B. moritziana, B. tenella, P. howei, P. scopulorum, A. spicifera, and C. caespitosa were the most outstanding. In addition, three species of phylum Chlorophyta were collected and identified: C. linum, B. verticillata, and Chlorodesmis sp. Regarding the vertical distribution of algae in the roots, most of the species were in the lower and middle areas of the root, while only B. montagnei was in the upper part. The study is expected to contribute to the phycoflora knowledge of Panama’s Caribbean mangroves.
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