Spatio-temporal variation on the ecological structure of the fish community in the Ostión Lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico




diversity, abundance, dominance, trophic categories, fish associations


Although the fish community in the Ostión Lagoon is subject to fishing, ecological studies on it are scarce. The spatial and temporal variation of this community structure was analyzed, as well as the physicochemical parameters of the lagoon’s salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, depth, and transparency. Samples were collected bimonthly from March 2007 to January 2008 in eight sampling stations with a shrimp trawl. Significant spatial and temporal differences were evaluated in diversity, richness, evenness, density, biomass, and average weight through analysis of variance. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to determine fish associations and their correlation with the environmental factors of the system. A total of 737 individuals were collected with a total weight of 19,081.90 g. The study identified 19 families, 23 genera, and 34 species, of which 12 were new records for the lagoon. Four species were found to be dominant in the system. Community parameters showed a relationship with environmental gradients and climatic seasons. Diversity was higher in May (H´= 2.36) and January (H´ = 2.48), while density was higher in July (0.018 ind./m2). The CCA showed that the composition and spatio-temporal distribution of the fish community was conditioned by salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and depth. Knowing the fish’s community structure and biological functions and their interaction with environmental factors in this lagoon is relevant since ongoing studies have not been conducted for this system.

Author Biographies

Arturo Aguirre-León, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Xochimilco

Departamento El Hombre y su Ambiente. Laboratorio Ecología Costera y Pesquerías.

Silvia Díaz-Ruiz, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Iztapalapa

Departamento de Hidrobiología. Laboratorio Ictiología y Ecología Costera.

Mariela Gazca-Castro, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Xochimilco

Departamento El Hombre y su Ambiente. Laboratorio Ecología Costera y Pesquerías.


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How to Cite

Aguirre-León, A., Díaz-Ruiz, S., & Gazca-Castro, M. (2020). Spatio-temporal variation on the ecological structure of the fish community in the Ostión Lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico. Revista Ciencias Marinas Y Costeras, 12(2), 29-55.



Scientific articles

How to Cite

Aguirre-León, A., Díaz-Ruiz, S., & Gazca-Castro, M. (2020). Spatio-temporal variation on the ecological structure of the fish community in the Ostión Lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico. Revista Ciencias Marinas Y Costeras, 12(2), 29-55.

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