


Diversity, abundance, coral reefs, Cuba


Coral reef condition north of the Havanan provinces (NW Cuba), an area with variable influence from human settlements and runoff, was assessed using the AGRRA methodology’s benthic biological indicators: live coral cover, coral density, maximum colony diameter, old and recent coral mortality, coral recruitment, Diadema antillarum density, and macroalgae cover. Coral communities at 11 reef crest and 22 forereef sites were sampled during 2004. The Shannon heterogenety and Pielou evenness indices were calculated. A total of 33 species of coral, larger than 10 cm in maximum diameter, were identified. The biological indicators analyzed showed significant differences among sites, which suggest a marked heterogeneity in environmental conditions along the study area. The average live coral cover was 28% on crests, and 21% on forereefs. The average densities were 9 colonies/10 m in crests, and 12 colonies/10 m in the deeper sites. Little recent mortality and low diseased coral percentages were observed. Old mortality is apparently due to the historical accumulation of both natural and anthropogenic effects. Reefs were also perturbed by considerable fleshy macroalgal cover, apparently a consequence of both excess of nutrients and insufficient herbivory. Reefs in good condition were found possibly due to some level of heterotophy from organic matter enrichment derived from land sources.

Author Biographies

Hansel Caballero-Aragón, Acuario Nacional de Cuba

Avenida 1ra. y 60, Playa, CP 11300, Ciudad Habana, Cuba.

Pedro M. Alcolado, Instituto de Oceanología

Ave. 1ra. No. 18406, Rpto. Flores, Playa, La Habana, Cuba.

Aloyma Semidey-Valdes, Instituto de Oceanología

Ave. 1ra. No. 18406, Rpto. Flores, Playa, La Habana, Cuba.


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How to Cite

Caballero-Aragón, H., Alcolado, P. M., & Semidey-Valdes, A. (2009). CONDITION OF THE CORAL REEFS IN FRONT OF COSTS WITH SETTLEMENTS HUMANS AND TARGET CONTRIBUTIONS: THE CASE OF HABANERO LITTORAL, CUBA. Revista Ciencias Marinas Y Costeras, 1, 49-72.



Scientific articles

How to Cite

Caballero-Aragón, H., Alcolado, P. M., & Semidey-Valdes, A. (2009). CONDITION OF THE CORAL REEFS IN FRONT OF COSTS WITH SETTLEMENTS HUMANS AND TARGET CONTRIBUTIONS: THE CASE OF HABANERO LITTORAL, CUBA. Revista Ciencias Marinas Y Costeras, 1, 49-72.

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