Hydrographic and bathymetric features of the Ostional National Wildlife Refuge and adjacent areas, Guanacaste, Costa Rica


  • Carlos L. Brenes-Rodríguez Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Amaru Márquez Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Wagner Quirós International Student Volunteers (ISV-CR), Costa Rica
  • Rosario Benavides-Morera Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8570-8280




Water masses,, bathymetry, Pacific, Costa Rica, Ostional


Between February 6 and 11, 2012, a hydrographic cruise and bathymetric sounding were conducted in the region located between Guiones and Cuajiniquil, in the Northern Pacific area of Costa Rica. The range of surface temperatures is 25.5 to 27.5°C, and the saline surface ranges between 33.2 and 33.8 PSU. The thermocline is located at 20 m at the northern end of the region, while at the southern end, from Ostional up to Guiones, it was observed slightly deeper, approximately 25 m deep. The thickness of the mixed layer was 10 m in virtually all the studied area. Two gyres, one cyclonic and another anticyclonic, were observed in front of Ostional. The surface layers were occupied by the Surface Tropical Water (STW), with salinities below 34 PSU and temperatures greater than 26°C, and the intermediate levels (~ 50 m) by the Subsurface Subtropical Water (SSW), characterized by a saline core near 35 PSU. The bathymetry of the region shows isobaths parallel to the coast, with an elevation close to 20 m deep at the southern end of this area. The degree of inclination did not exceed 14.5°.

Author Biographies

Carlos L. Brenes-Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional

Servicio Regional de Información Oceanográfica

Amaru Márquez, Universidad Nacional

Servicio Regional de Información Oceanográfica

Rosario Benavides-Morera, Universidad Nacional

Servicio Regional de Información Oceanográfica


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How to Cite

Brenes-Rodríguez, C. L., Márquez, A., Quirós, W., & Benavides-Morera, R. (2012). Hydrographic and bathymetric features of the Ostional National Wildlife Refuge and adjacent areas, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Revista Ciencias Marinas Y Costeras, 4, 145-156. https://doi.org/10.15359/revmar.4.10



Scientific articles

How to Cite

Brenes-Rodríguez, C. L., Márquez, A., Quirós, W., & Benavides-Morera, R. (2012). Hydrographic and bathymetric features of the Ostional National Wildlife Refuge and adjacent areas, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Revista Ciencias Marinas Y Costeras, 4, 145-156. https://doi.org/10.15359/revmar.4.10

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