Reproduction of the carabalí shrimp Trachypenaeus byrdi (Burkenroad, 1934) in the inner section of the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica


  • Luis Hernández-Noguera Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Rosa Soto-Rojas Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Cristian Canales-Ramírez Instituto de Fomento Pesquero, Chile



Carabalí shrimp, Gulf of Nicoya, Venado and Caballo islands, Trachypenaeus byrdi, reproduction


The white shrimp (Litopenaeus sp.) is among the most socioeconomically important resources in the Gulf of Nicoya. However, in the last years, the carabalí shrimp (Trachypenaeus byrdi) has become a species of high local commercial value. Therefore, samples of the carabalí shrimp (T. byrdi) collected in the inner section of the Gulf for 15 months between 2008 and 2009 were analyzed in the present study in order to ascertain the biology and population dynamics of this resource. It was confirmed that T. byrdi is found mainly on muddy bottoms located in the inner part of the Gulf, close to the coastal area at depths no greater than 15 m. Population parameters show that female average size at maturity is 87 mm TL (Total Lenght). Two main reproduction periods were identified: March-April and July-September.  Estimated growth parameters were Loo= 112.6 mm, K= 1.29 yr-1, to= -0.084 and Woo= 18.68 g for females and Loo= 88.2 mm, K= 1.26 yr-1 and to= -0.094 for males.

Author Biographies

Luis Hernández-Noguera, Universidad Nacional

Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas Heredia

Rosa Soto-Rojas, Universidad Nacional

Universidad Nacional

Cristian Canales-Ramírez, Instituto de Fomento Pesquero

Departamento Evaluación de Recursos Valparaíso


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How to Cite

Hernández-Noguera, L., Soto-Rojas, R., & Canales-Ramírez, C. (2016). Reproduction of the carabalí shrimp Trachypenaeus byrdi (Burkenroad, 1934) in the inner section of the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. Revista Ciencias Marinas Y Costeras, 8(1), 79-93.



Scientific articles

How to Cite

Hernández-Noguera, L., Soto-Rojas, R., & Canales-Ramírez, C. (2016). Reproduction of the carabalí shrimp Trachypenaeus byrdi (Burkenroad, 1934) in the inner section of the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. Revista Ciencias Marinas Y Costeras, 8(1), 79-93.

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