Predation of Gecarcinus quadratus (Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) by Aramides cajaneus (Gruiformes: Rallidae) in Costa Rica




behavior, diet, Gray-cowled Wood-Rail, Halloween Crab, natural history


Gecarcinus quadratus is a land crab preyed upon by some species, but there is little information about the genera and species of these predators. This scientific note presents the first record of Aramides cajaneus preying upon G. quadratus. This observation occurred during daylight in May 2021 in Costa Rica, and contributes to the knowledge about the natural history, behavior and ecology of these species.

Author Biographies

Sergio Villegas-Retana, Universidad de Costa Rica

Escuela de Biología

Jorge Picado-Masís, Manuel Antonio National Park

Professional certified tour guide


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How to Cite

Villegas-Retana, S., & Picado-Masís, J. (2021). Predation of Gecarcinus quadratus (Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) by Aramides cajaneus (Gruiformes: Rallidae) in Costa Rica. Revista Ciencias Marinas Y Costeras, 23-26.



Scientific articles

How to Cite

Villegas-Retana, S., & Picado-Masís, J. (2021). Predation of Gecarcinus quadratus (Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) by Aramides cajaneus (Gruiformes: Rallidae) in Costa Rica. Revista Ciencias Marinas Y Costeras, 23-26.

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