Ethical Considerations

The Journal Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, requires that all the actors involved in the publication process of the articles, whether they are editorial staff, reviewers or authors, follow international ethical standards in the publication of articles.

The journal recommends reviewing the following international standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, has requested permission from COPE to distribute the plagiarism detection process and other ethical procedures. For more information see the following link:

Code of Ethics and Good Practices for the publication of scientific articles in the Journal or Marine and Coastal Sciences.

On ethical misconduct

The Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, agrees to prosecute ethical misconduct in order to maintain integrity in scientific publication. In the journal, papers submitted for publication are handled with confidentiality; however, conduct that is detrimental to transparency in research and presentation of data will not be tolerated.

In case of suspicion of unethical conduct, the journal will proceed to make the necessary inquiries, handling the suspected material with confidentiality.

To address cases of suspected misconduct, COPE guidelines and flow charts will be followed, and based on them, any work found to have incurred in malpractice will be rejected or retracted, depending on the status of the manuscript at the time of detection of ethical misconduct.

Any editor, reviewer, author or reader can inform the Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, about undeclared conflicts of interest, errors or inventions of data, or any other conduct that is considered unethical. In the event of any complaint received, the Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, undertakes to investigate the case and inform the complainant of the result of the investigation.

Conflicts of interest

The Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, understands that a conflict of interest exists when any personal interest of the subject, whether author, editor, reviewer or reader, conflicts with the veracity or integrity of a publication, peer review or editorial decision making. They can have diverse origins such as commercial, intellectual, financial, among others.

To submit a paper for publication in the Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, authors must declare that they do not have any conflict of interest; failure to express it could result in the rejection of the work. To avoid incurring in a fault, authors should declare the sources of funding of the research, their participation in the design, development and analysis of the study.

Reviewers of papers submitted for publication in the Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, should inform the editor or publisher of any conflict of interest they may have on any topic that would prevent their impartiality in the review of a paper, so that their participation in the refereeing of the manuscript can be waived.

In the event that the director or editor has a conflict of interest with any subject or authorship of any work, he/she should decline to manage the work, to avoid incurring in subjectivity or undue delays in the editing process of the work.

From the authors

When submitting a paper for publication in the Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, authors must attach a letter stating that the paper is original, that it has not been published or submitted for publication in other journals, except in abstract form or as part of a conference, opinion, or thesis, and is not under publication in another scientific journal. They must take full responsibility for the content of their work. The full name of the authors should be included with their respective affiliations, including the city and country where their place of work is located.

Authors must indicate that they have sufficient legal capacity to authorize the Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, to carry out all graphic and style editing processes so that the paper meets the quality standards of the journal; allow the journal the first publication of the work in any written or electronic media. In addition, they recognize and accept the principles of open access and the Creative Common licensing used in the journal (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International).

Authors are considered to be those who participated to a sufficient degree to assume public responsibility for the content of the work. Authors are those who participated in an essential way in: a) the conception and design of the study, obtaining the data, or the analysis and interpretation of the same; b) the writing of the work or the critical revision of a substantial part of its intellectual content; and c) the final approval of the version to be published. Requirements a, b and c must be fulfilled simultaneously. Therefore, the Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, is based on the principles of the Council of Science Editors (CSE). Detailed information on authorship and author responsibilities can be found at: Council of Science Editors - Authorship and Author Responsibilities.

Authors may withdraw a paper submitted for publication in the journal Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR at any time prior to publication; the withdrawal can only be express; a paper will never be understood to have been tacitly withdrawn. Withdrawing the paper from publication gives the authors the possibility to submit the unpublished paper to another journal.

Any information from similar research that is used in support of the information presented in a paper should be acknowledged by citation. Authors should accurately represent the work of others in citations and should not copy references from other publications unless they have read the entire paper. Information obtained from private sources should only be used with the informed consent of the author or holder of the information.

Papers should contain the information necessary for the reproducibility of the study and the results; including inaccurate or fabricated data is considered a breach of ethics, which will result in the immediate rejection or retraction of the paper. Authors should comply with relevant conventions, requirements, and regulations to make materials, reagents, software, or data sets available to other investigators upon request. Investigators should present their results clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate manipulation of data. The results obtained and their accuracy should not include indications that are outside the research results. Limitations of the study should be addressed in any publication.

Research with direct and indirect financial support, supply of equipment or materials, and other support (such as specialized statistical or editorial assistance), should be clearly indicated and when there is funding by private companies, it should be signed with the sponsor that the publication may include findings that do not favor the commercial product or product under development. There must be a clear separation between the scientific interest and the commercial interest of a product.

The journal recognizes as recurrent or redundant publication those writings that are not original, modified from published research or partitions of a main work. Any publication of documents known to have been submitted or published simultaneously in another journal, previously published works, or any similar conduct that implies ethical misconduct, will be rejected or retracted, depending on the status of the manuscript at the time the misconduct is detected.

When an error or inaccuracy is detected in the data to be published or already published, the director or editor of the journal should be notified to make the respective correction; in case the error is detected by a reader, the authors should retract, request the correction or provide the database or evidence deemed necessary to support the veracity of the results.

About peer reviewers

The papers submitted for publication in the Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, will be sent to at least two external peer reviewers, who will participate free of charge and voluntarily in the evaluation.

The peer reviewers will analyze the papers to determine the validity of the proposed objectives, the methodology used and the results obtained, as well as their impact or contribution to science. They will be provided with the work and the review guide so that in two weeks they can issue the results of the review. If this process is delayed, other specialists will be sent and the author(s) will be informed if they agree to wait longer or if they can withdraw their work from the editing process. Once the paper is approved, the final version is sent to the authors for review and approval within a maximum of five working days. The Editorial Board reserves the right to classify the papers according to their impact and content.

The editing process of the Journal Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, has a variable duration but cannot be more than five months from receipt to acceptance; the papers accepted for publication will be scheduled in the next issue to be published as long as they are not undergoing final corrections.

The evaluation model used in the Journal Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR is double blind. The analysis of the papers carried out by the reviewers are considered as mechanisms for decision making by the editor and publisher of the journal, and are also a source of improvement in the quality of the papers.

Evaluators who receive a paper for evaluation from the Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR must ensure confidentiality in the treatment of data, should not share the information with another colleague, so, if they consider another person more optimal, they should communicate it to the director or editor of the journal so that they can consider including the latter as a peer reviewer of the document.

The evaluations should ensure the impartiality of the reviewer, the contributions should be objective and not to the personal detriment of the authors. Reviewers may argue their points of view with supporting material. In case of detecting irregularities or inconsistencies in the data of the paper or if they consider that there are references used that have not been cited, they should communicate this to the director or editor so that they can proceed as appropriate according to the case and in accordance with the recommendations and procedures and recommendations given by COPE.

The Editor, the Publisher and the Editorial Board

The decision on the publication and qualification of papers in the Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, is the responsibility of the editor, the publisher and the Editorial Board. The decision will be based on blind peer review. The information obtained from the evaluations will be treated confidentially and without personal purposes.

The director and editor of the Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, will be guided by the authors' instructions, the editorial policies imposed by the Editorial Board and the licenses to manage the works that enter the journal. They may never violate copyright and will be in charge of detecting plagiarism. Neither may they proceed in a discriminatory manner in the reception and processing of papers.

The editorial management of the works will be under confidentiality. The editor, the publisher or any member of the Editorial Board may not disclose data or information of any of the works submitted for publication in the journal.

The editor, the publisher, or any member of the Editorial Board are completely denied the possibility of using unpublished material for personal purposes, unless there is express consent from the authors.

The editor, the publisher and the members of the Editorial Board assume the responsibility for what is published in the Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR, therefore, it is up to them to make retractions and errata when necessary.

 *This information was created for the Journal Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, REVMAR. It is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works (CC BY-NC-ND) license.