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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors

Guidelines for the articles submission

  1. Fill in the form to submit articles.
  2. The articles should be unpublished, research papers, scientific communication, and/or author's own creation on different topics related to vast field of International Relations, such as international politics, international law, global economy, trade, international business, conflict resolution, security, environment, and foreign policy. The articles range from twenty to thirty pages in length, doubled-spaced, Arial 12 font, and they must be submitted with an attached letter addressed to the Director of Relaciones Internacionales Journal, Francisco Flores Zúñiga, indicating the submission date of the article, and the academic, scientific, and/or social importance of its content. The form to submit articles must be attached.
  3. Authors’ identification (first and last names; academic degree; indicate whether they are enrolled in doctoral or postdoctoral programs).
  4. Institutional affiliation.
  5. The originality of each proposal will depend on: the submission of a new topic or an innovative approach of topics previously studied; the implementation of a new methodology or of a different one to approach a topic; or the review of a topic showing a new relation between contents and authors with substantial contributions.
  6. The article should not exceed twenty-five pages (8.5 x 11 size paper, Arial 12 font, double-spaced). Margins not over: Bottom 3 cm: Left 4 cm: Right 4 cm: 3 cm.
  7. The title of each article should be comprehensive and no more than fifteen words. The title should be in English and Spanish. Below the title, place the authors’ names, indicating their academic degree, speciality, and e-mail addresses to contact them, as well the institutions they are professionally related to.
  8. The scientific articles must have an abstract in English and Spanish with no more than 400 words, rigorously stating the content of the paper, with clear indication of the objectives and the results. Likewise, provide at least six keywords in English and Spanish below their respective abstracts.
  9. The text should be structured into necessary parts for its clear presentation and correct comprehension, for example: introduction, materials and methods, conclusion, bibliography.
  10. If the article has tables, maps, and illustrations, they must be clearly copied in the digital version. Chronologies and scales must appear in the figure (never as captions). Avoid large or small tables.
  11. Each submitted article must have the bibliography consulted. The bibliography is added to the end of the paper, organized in alphabetical order, and without distinctions between the documents. To elaborate it, follow APA bibliographical format (APA 06).
  12. It has to include the following information:
  • For a book: Author. (Year). Title. Edition. City: Publisher, pages.
  • For an article: Author. Year. Title of article. Journal title, volume (issue): pages.
  • For a thesis: Author. (Year). Title. (Thesis, degree). City: University.
  • For events: Author. (Year). Title of the lecture. Title of the event. (Number: place: date). Place: Publisher, pages.
  • For websites sources: Author. (Year). Title. Place. Publisher. Available at: URL (date of access)

13. All works should be submitted grammatically correct. If not, they will be sent back for their respective correction.

14. Explaining notes should be placed with a number referring to a footnote.

15. The final decision to publish or reject an article is made by the Editorial Board of the Journal; the paper can be submitted to the arbitration of an external reviewer and his/her opinion will not constitute binding acceptance. Remarks and recommendations can be discussed with authors. This process will be anonymous for all parts, the board included.

16. This board reserves the right to make changes on the original paper to keep uniformity and quality of the publication, respecting the style. Once the paper is accepted to be published, it is permitted its publication in another media.

Arbitration System

17. Articles must be submitted through this e-mail: - No contributions are accepted if they do not meet the requirements set by the Editorial Board of the Journal.

18. Once the article is received, the author will receive an e-mail to confirm reception; in this e-mail the article title, the author and the date will be indicated for registration purposes. All submitted articles will be reviewed by anonymous and external reviewers, and, if possible, working with research and teaching centers outside Costa Rica; they will be specialists in the area of the respective knowledge of the subject studied in the article to be reviewed.

19. Reviewers will have a month to evaluate the article, and, if it is accepted by the Editorial Board, the author will receive a written notification of the decision. The author will have seven days to insert the respective modifications and to submit the paper again to the Editor of the Journal, Ariana López. Along with the article last version, you have to attach a sworn statement to attest the originality of the article, as well as it has not been published and it will not be published in another print or electronic media.

Check list to prepare submission

As part of the submission process, authors are obliged to check that the submission meets all the following requirements. Those submissions not meeting the requirements will be sent back to the authors.

  1. The article has not been previously published and it has not been submitted to another journal (as explained in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submitted form is in PDF, OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  3. Websites addresses are included as footnotes for references where possible.
  4. Text set to single line spacing; 12 points font size; italics is used instead of underlining style (except for URL addresses); all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at their respective places and not at the end of the paper.
  5. The text meets the bibliographical and stylistic requirements provided in the Guidelines for authors; you can also find them at the link “Acerca de la revista”.
  6. If you are submitting your article to a peer review section of the journal, make sure that the instructions at Asegurando de una revisión a ciegas have been followed.


Privacy statement

Names and e-mail addresses included in the journal will be exclusively used for the journal's purposes and they will not be available for any other purpose or person.

The School of International Relations is pleased of presenting its Relaciones Internacionales Journal, which is biannually and continuously published. Two issues per year are published, the first one closes its publication on June 30 and it corresponds to Trade and International Business topics; while the second one closes on December 30 and it comprises the International Politics issue. The Journal was born at the School of International Relations to treat topics about different authors referring to the international sphere, and directly or indirectly influencing national politics, as well as Trade and International Business.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.