Diffusion of the human security approach in Costa Rica: between the acceptance and resistance of the epistemic communities





diffusion, human scurity, epistemic community, human rights, Costa Rica


Policy diffusion studies seldom explain the role that epistemic communities can play as promoters or blockers in the propagation of an idea or policy. The objective of this article is to analyze the role of the Costa Rican epistemic community of human rights in the diffusion of the human security approach. The study suggests that human rights community have played an ambiguous role in spreading the human security approach in Costa Rica, which ranks between acceptance and rejection. In addition, this research finds that the mechanisms of coercion, competition, and socialization may have an influence on actors other than the State or government, such as international organizations.

Author Biography

Alexis Colmenares Zapata, Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales

Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (IAEN, Ecuador), Escuela de Prospectiva Estratégica, Ecuador. Coordinador de la Maestría en Planificación y Prospectiva Multisectorial y Doctor en Estudios Internacionales. Correo electrónico: alexis.colmenares@iaen.edu.ec


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How to Cite

Diffusion of the human security approach in Costa Rica: between the acceptance and resistance of the epistemic communities. (2019). Relaciones Internacionales, 92(2), 109-134. https://doi.org/10.15359/ri.92-2.5



Articles (peer reviewed)

How to Cite

Diffusion of the human security approach in Costa Rica: between the acceptance and resistance of the epistemic communities. (2019). Relaciones Internacionales, 92(2), 109-134. https://doi.org/10.15359/ri.92-2.5

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