South Korea's Foreign Policy for the Reconstruction of a Collective Identity with North Korea




Identity, social interaction, foreign policy, social factors, South Korea


During Park Geun hye and Moon Jae presidential terms, there was implemented a foreign policy that emphasized the construction of a collective identity for the pacification of the peninsula. The article seeks to answer how the South Korean leaders used identity elements, either similar or different, in the context of their foreign policies for the pacification of the peninsula. A qualitative research methodology was used through interviews, analysis of documents and official websites, these being interpreted by the content analysis method. It is stated that South Korea's foreign policy towards North Korea, during these administrations, was based on an ideational structure that rescued the construction of a Korean collective identity, being these identity elements (shared by South Korean leaders) the factors that favored social interaction for the promotion of pacification.

Author Biography

Alex Mauricio Maldonado Méndez, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales

Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales), Department of International Studies and Communication, Quito, Ecuador. Master student in International Relations and Sociologyist. 


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How to Cite

South Korea’s Foreign Policy for the Reconstruction of a Collective Identity with North Korea. (2020). Relaciones Internacionales, 93(1), 63-81.



Articles (peer reviewed)

How to Cite

South Korea’s Foreign Policy for the Reconstruction of a Collective Identity with North Korea. (2020). Relaciones Internacionales, 93(1), 63-81.

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