Regarding the Bicentenary: A Review of Central America as a Space-Route From Critical Geopolitics




Bicentenary, Central America, Critical Geopolitics, deconstruction, global powers, international route


The independence processes in Central America have been influenced by the area’s geographical position and its geopolitical relevance in the continent. The region has been seen by the global powers as a space-route, especially from the eighties to the present. This geopolitical condition has predisposed the formation of the Central American countries by fragmenting their development process and weakening their whole potential; as a result, the territory is even more vulnerable to external interests. Therefore, analyzing Central America from the Critical Geopolitics perspective will contribute to understand it as a place defined by politics of space in which global powers interfere undermining possibilities for regional integration among other effects. The geographical location of this region has been used as a trade-route for international transportation, being this one of the reasons for the dispute regarding the Panama Canal’s control by global powers; besides its strategic location allows other kinds of flows as it is the case of migrants and drugs, for example. Since the
area has been built due to external influences,

Author Biography

Karen Arévalo-Mejía, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC)

Lecturer and coordinator. International Studies Division, Institute for Political and Social Research. Licentiate in International Relations (USAC). 


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How to Cite

Regarding the Bicentenary: A Review of Central America as a Space-Route From Critical Geopolitics. (2021). Relaciones Internacionales, 94(2), 97-117.



Articles (peer reviewed)

How to Cite

Regarding the Bicentenary: A Review of Central America as a Space-Route From Critical Geopolitics. (2021). Relaciones Internacionales, 94(2), 97-117.

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