Fragmentation and bifurcation in the post COVID-19 International System: Implications for Central America




Bifurcation, Central America, China, fragmentation, international system, United States


The contemporary era is characterized by two attributes that determine it: fragmentation in the management of the international system and bifurcation of alternatives represented by key actors of the system. These phenomena explain the tensions between China and the United States, the absence of a global system administrator (hegemonic actor), and the emergence of intermediate powers that have gained greater visibility in the context of the pandemic. This new systematic context is presented in the Central American region as a new strategic the challenge, since it has acquired greater preponderance as a zone of influence, but at the same time there is a growing fragmentation within its countries, the potential for cooperation and conflict creates important opportunities but  also threats that must be addressed in a timely manner to avoid past mistakes.

Author Biographies

Alexander López-Ramírez, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica (UNA)

Lecturer at Universidad Nacional. Ph.D., University of Oslo, Norway. 

Luis Diego Segura-Ramírez, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

Lecturer at Universidad Nacional. Ph.D. candidate, Maastricht University, The Netherlands. 


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How to Cite

Fragmentation and bifurcation in the post COVID-19 International System: Implications for Central America. (2021). Relaciones Internacionales, 94(2), 119-139.



Articles (peer reviewed)

How to Cite

Fragmentation and bifurcation in the post COVID-19 International System: Implications for Central America. (2021). Relaciones Internacionales, 94(2), 119-139.

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