Constructivism in the Analysis of China-Latin America Relations: A View From Wentian Perspectives




Bilateral relations, China, Constructivism, Latin America, Sino Latin-America, United States


In this critical analysis, the Sino-Latin American relationship is approached from the constructivist perspective, challenging the materialistic approaches that have predominated in studies on this topic. Constructivism seeks to explore aspects underestimated by materialistic discourses and open new dimensions of analysis in the international relations between China and Latin America.

Traditionally, the focus of foreign relations has been on historical categories and theories such as neoliberalism and dependency theory. However, constructivism aims to understand a new international culture that transcends the material, incorporating cultural and ideational aspects.

In this context, the article centers on the state identities of China and Latin American countries as a starting point for analyzing their international relations. It acknowledges that shared perceptions, norms, and cultural narratives are crucial in shaping states' identities and formulating their foreign policies.

The cultural correspondence between the Chinese state and Latin America is explored through the analysis of Wendt's "cultural structures" in the international system: the Hobbesian, Lockean, and Kantian cultures. This exploration allows an understanding of the current cultural logic among actors in the international system.

It is crucial to highlight the United States' influence in the international system and its relationship with China and Latin American countries. This approach emphasizes the complexities and contrasts in Sino-American and Latin American-United States relations, framing them within the dynamics of the Lockean logic that characterizes the global structure of the international system.

Understanding the cultural and ideational dimensions of these international interactions provides a more comprehensive view of relationships and contributes to a deeper understanding of how these cultural dynamics shape states' identities and decisions in the international system. Constructivism emerges as a valuable theoretical framework to enrich the analysis of international relations and open new perspectives in the study of interactions between China and Latin America.

Author Biography

Nina-Lulushca Aguiar-Mariño, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Lecturer and researcher. Department of Communication, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (Ecuador). Ph.D. in Latin American Studies. 


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How to Cite

Constructivism in the Analysis of China-Latin America Relations: A View From Wentian Perspectives. (2024). Relaciones Internacionales, 97(1), 47-67.



Articles (peer reviewed)

How to Cite

Constructivism in the Analysis of China-Latin America Relations: A View From Wentian Perspectives. (2024). Relaciones Internacionales, 97(1), 47-67.

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