China’s foreign policy: from peaceful rise to the Chinese dream – implications for international relations analysis




China, Chinese dream, foreign policy, international relations, peaceful rise, Tianxia


This article aims to examine the evolution of China’s foreign policy from the adoption of the “peaceful rise” policy to the present one which stems from the concept of the “Chinese dream” presented by Xi Jinping. The analysis is carried out in the light of major traditional international relations theories and introduces the doctrine underpinning the “Chinese dream” known as Tianxia. It finds that western traditional doctrine lacks rigorous consideration of Asian historical and cultural singularities that prevent them from fully explaining the international actions of the People’s Republic of China. In particular, China’s increasing assertiveness in its international relations along with its economic, military and technological advances, as well as the military conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, have exacerbated differences with the West. It is imperative to provide diplomacy with tools to assess the international context and the opposing positions of the West and the PRC that considers a theoretical framework that incorporates elements such as Tianxia, not as a substitute for Western tradition frameworks of analysis, but to enrich them. This is particularly true for the defense and projection of the interests of developing countries, which will require extensive diplomatic skills to navigate this complex context effectively as proactive players rather than bystanders in the international arena.

Author Biography

Juan Carlos Martínez Piva, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

Lecturer and international consultant. Master in Economic Policy with specialization in International Economics from the International Center for Economic Policy for Sustainable Development (CINPE) of the Universidad Nacional.


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How to Cite

China’s foreign policy: from peaceful rise to the Chinese dream – implications for international relations analysis. (2024). Relaciones Internacionales, 97(2).



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How to Cite

China’s foreign policy: from peaceful rise to the Chinese dream – implications for international relations analysis. (2024). Relaciones Internacionales, 97(2).

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