International relations and international trade: More than an academic correspondence, a historic deal


  • Daniel López Zuñiga



International Relations, International Trade, Economic Diplomacy, Regional Integration, International Business


Something that has been given to academic discussion in Costa Rica and Latin America in recent years has been the relevance of the study of economic and trade issues in the schools of  International Relations. That is why you have a
need for a review of the origin of our profession itself. This document provides a description of the subject management that has given the International
Trade in International Relations, so that they can understand their political link, delving even in its material and formal object refers us to the same object becomes Anthropology. It also seeks to demonstrate historical and anthropological evidence of the relationship between International Relations and International Trade, on the parameter business between power centers and refelcting on some authorsthat allowsus to reveal that source. Finally, diplomacy and diffuse inter trade link with the issue of integration trend as a nodule which refers to the essence of diplomacy
and understanding academic correspondence of International Relations and Trade will be addressed.


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How to Cite

International relations and international trade: More than an academic correspondence, a historic deal. (2016). Relaciones Internacionales, 89(1), 61-76.



Articles (peer reviewed)

How to Cite

International relations and international trade: More than an academic correspondence, a historic deal. (2016). Relaciones Internacionales, 89(1), 61-76.

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