Software development sector in Latin América and Asia


  • Rolando Javier Salinas García
  • Daniel Montes Pimentel



Software Sector, Knowledge Economy, Knowledge Society, Software’s Global Market


International Organizations such as OCDE, CEPAL, UN and the IMF have spoken in favor of the development of the Telecommunications (IT) in developing countries to generate economic and social development. Under this trend, the emergence of the concepts of Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Society serve to rethink a new kind of society based on the creation of knowledge as the main competitive advantage. The new parameters of development have focused on indicators of access to the Internet, the use of technology in society, high-tech firms and educational institutions. This article is a comparison between Mexico, Uruguay, China and Korea Republic (South Korea), specifically how these countries have developed their software sector and the actions taken to participate in the global software market.


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How to Cite

Software development sector in Latin América and Asia. (2016). Relaciones Internacionales, 89(1), 151-169.



Articles (peer reviewed)

How to Cite

Software development sector in Latin América and Asia. (2016). Relaciones Internacionales, 89(1), 151-169.

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