Tariff analysis of sensitive products of Costa Rica on the negotiation of Preferential Trade Agreements
Tariff, Sensitive Products, Customs Policy, International Trade, Trade, Free Trade, Costa Rica.Abstract
Tariff reduction has been the main reason for the negotiation of preferential trade agreements that have had been having a substantial increase nowadays. Despite the fact that the applied tariff have been decreasing according to the world tendencies, the countries still preserve sensitive products without any liberalization. Costa Rica is within this logic, because it has numerous trade agreements and at the same time excludes some products from the preferential treatment. This paper, in the first instance, validates world tendencies regarding the negotiation of trade agreements with the tendencies of Costa Rica. In second place, it compares bound tariffs and the applied tariffs in Costa Rica, determining patterns between their gaps. At last, it identifies variables for the determination of sensitive products regarding the treatment inside the trade agreements signed by Costa Rica.
Costa Rica has a trade agreement were negotiated with tariff reduction interest or not
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