Plagiarism and self-plagiarism detection policy

The International Relations journal has a plagiarism and self-plagiarism detection policy. The aim of this policy is that authors and actors involved accomplish the international ethical norms that ensures a transparent process of publication.

The Journal verifies the manuscripts submited in the first stage of the edition, right after the reception of the article by using Turnitin® plagiarism detection services and the editor or a member of the editorial team's support.

Also, the reviewers must inform the Editorial Board of any kind of plagiarism detected in the manuscript. 

 If any kind of plagiarism is detected, the article presented is rejected immediately and authors are informed about the situation (if the article is already published, a retraction statement will be made by the Journal on its website and the article will be identified as retracted). Before the rejection of the manuscript when plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected, the Journal will ask for detailed explanations from the authors.