Towards the desacralization of the uterus? Abandonment of religious practices and acceptance of abortion in Costa Rican women


  • Laura Fuentes Belgrave



In Catholicism, the womb of the woman embodies a sacred place, an altar where the life of the mother is expendable in view of the fertilized egg that she can hold. This conception deprives women of reproductive autonomy while personifies the embryo. However, this doctrinal position is not shared by all the Costa Rican Catholic population, mostly comprising women, whose disagreement with the religious norm finds an explanation in the renunciation of the practice of the Catholic precept, but it is not related with their membership or their beliefs. The minds and bodies of believers are mobilizing, and they rework their identities in view of emancipation from the Catholic symbolic power, according to mixed methods research conducted at the Ecumenical School of Religious Studies of the National University of Costa Rica, between 2013 and 2014.



How to Cite

Fuentes Belgrave, L. (2018). Towards the desacralization of the uterus? Abandonment of religious practices and acceptance of abortion in Costa Rican women. Siwo Revista De Teología, 9(1), 191-206.




How to Cite

Fuentes Belgrave, L. (2018). Towards the desacralization of the uterus? Abandonment of religious practices and acceptance of abortion in Costa Rican women. Siwo Revista De Teología, 9(1), 191-206.