Praise of Simplicity. Treatment of Passions in Clement of Alexandria´s Gnosis


  • Daniel Vindas Sánchez Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Costa Rica



This article proposes to analyze the invention of a gnosis that is based on the praise of simplicity understood as a maxim of Clement´s philosophical and theological thought. The praise of simplicity is related to the capacity of the human person to become divine; in that regard another category which originates from this practice is that of theoi andres, a category that synthetizes the pagan philosophy and Clement´s Christian thinking. Clement´s gnosis is understood as a series of ethical exercises based upon the care of the flesh, the Christian response to the Roman pomposity and aristocracy, and the practice of sophron bios or moderate life.

Keywords: Gnosis, Clementine theology, Pagan Philosophy, Treatment of Passions, Use of Pleasures

Author Biography

Daniel Vindas Sánchez, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

Profesor en la Escuela Ecuménica de Ciencias de la Religión. Ha publicado El uso del Oikos: Cristianismo primitivo y cuidado de sí. San José: SEBILA, 2018.



How to Cite

Vindas Sánchez, D. (2020). Praise of Simplicity. Treatment of Passions in Clement of Alexandria´s Gnosis. Siwo Revista De Teología, 13(1), 37-66.




How to Cite

Vindas Sánchez, D. (2020). Praise of Simplicity. Treatment of Passions in Clement of Alexandria´s Gnosis. Siwo Revista De Teología, 13(1), 37-66.