Social description or socio-scientific analysis? The exegete and the fear to decide.




Exegesis, social description, socio-scientific analysis, synoptic gospels, miracle stories and exorcisms


The article describes the problem posed by some exegetes who separate socio-scientific studies in exegetical work due to the danger of involving elements outside the texts themselves. It presents an example of each of the two methods under discussion: the social description and the socio-scientific analysis and concludes with some observations to guide a reasonable decision. It is an article to describe the problem and has a rather pedagogical objective in the areas of theology and exegesis.

Author Biography

Francisco Mena Oreamuno, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

Profesor en la Escuela Ecuménica de Ciencias de la Religión, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. 


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How to Cite

Mena Oreamuno, F. (2021). Social description or socio-scientific analysis? The exegete and the fear to decide. Siwo Revista De Teología, 14(1), 25-52.




How to Cite

Mena Oreamuno, F. (2021). Social description or socio-scientific analysis? The exegete and the fear to decide. Siwo Revista De Teología, 14(1), 25-52.