The village grandmothers. Religious practices and threats to life in times of pandemic




Women, elder people, religion, pandemic


This article explores how older women turn to their religious references/practices to seek protection from the threat to life in times of pandemic. The voices of five grandmothers from Pueblo Nuevo community, canton of Garabito, Costa Rica, will be heard. Their contributions shared through an interview will be the basis for guiding the analysis. As a starting point, it is recognized that at different moments in history, generating fear, denial, and death. Religious references were found to have been present as a form of reaction, support, and strength.


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How to Cite

Wielewski Narloch, N., & Madrigal Sánchez, V. (2022). The village grandmothers. Religious practices and threats to life in times of pandemic. Siwo Revista De Teología, 15(1), 111-128.




How to Cite

Wielewski Narloch, N., & Madrigal Sánchez, V. (2022). The village grandmothers. Religious practices and threats to life in times of pandemic. Siwo Revista De Teología, 15(1), 111-128.