Intercultural reading of the Bible and cultural anthropology: a way back and forth




cultural anthropology, socio-scientific approaches, interculturality, religious diversity, Bible and religion


This essay proposes, based on the recognition of cultural and religious diversity, that the use of social sciences, particularly social anthropology, is an indispensable tool for the intercultural reading of the biblical text. In the discovery of the Bible as product of conflicting memories, voices and cultures, be conscious of distances is a way of creating bridges between different realities but which, in fact, have always interacted and can discover new paths for humanity in the Bible and beyond the Bible.

Author Biography

Hanzel José Zúñiga Valerio, Universidad Nacional

Hanzel José Zúñiga Valerio is Bachelor of Theological Sciences and Bachelor of Educational Sciences from the Catholic University of Costa Delicious. He has a Master of Science Biblical from the Latin American Biblical University and graduate at the Notre-Dame de Sion Center (Jerusalem, Israel) and at the Augustinian Theological Study (Valladolid, Spain). He is currently a professor at the Latin American Biblical University and at the Ecumenical School of Sciences Religion, National University. From them research areas are: literature wisdom, New Testament exegesis, approaches to cultural anthropology.


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How to Cite

Zúñiga Valerio, H. J. (2023). Intercultural reading of the Bible and cultural anthropology: a way back and forth. Siwo Revista De Teología, 16(2), 18.




How to Cite

Zúñiga Valerio, H. J. (2023). Intercultural reading of the Bible and cultural anthropology: a way back and forth. Siwo Revista De Teología, 16(2), 18.