Personas Autoras

This code of ethics refers to the principles that guide the editorial activity of Siwö 'Journal of Theology  / Socio-religious Studies. It concerns both the authors and those who do the editing and revision of the texts. 

The authors

1. Authors must guarantee that their article sent to Siwö ’Journal of Theology / Socio-religious Studies meets the following characteristics:

- That the article is original and unpublished. 
- That it constitutes an intellectual production of the author (s) indicated in the article. 
- That has not been published in print or digitally in any other independent magazine or publication. 
- Follow the rules for authors of Siwö ’Journal of Theology / Socio-religious Studies. 
- That it does not contain any type of falsification, data manipulation or plagiarism. 
- That it does not present conflicts of interest with those activities that could introduce biases in the results of the work. 
- To clarify whether you have received external funding from any public or private institution to carry 
out the work to which your writing corresponds.

2. It is the duty of each author to attach the declaration of originality of their work, when submitting an article for review. A format of the statement of originality is available on the website of Siwö ’Journal of Theology / Socio-religious Studies:

3. It is the responsibility of the authors to verify that the content of the article is original or properly 

4. Authors should not present their article simultaneously in two magazines. If you previously submitted it to a magazine other than Siwö ’Journal of Theology / Socio-religious Studies, you must report it to the journal's management. The person in charge of the management will decide whether the evaluation will continue.

5. On the rights and duties of the authors

a) People who have made substantial contributions should be listed as authors, if not, they should not be listed as such. If the author has carried out research that involves experimentation with people, they must ensure that they have complied with the guidelines regarding informed consent in their respective affiliation entity.

b) The authors must ensure that they have not previously signed before third parties, contracts for the transfer of patrimonial rights or licenses of use in relation to the intellectual property rights they hold over the postulated article, which prevents them from assigning them to Siwö 'Journal of Theology / Socio-religious Studies.

 c) In the case of articles prepared as collaborative works, whether they are works in which the authors have the same degree of participation or those in which there is a main author and one or more secondary authors, all of them must ensure who have contributed intellectually to the elaboration of the document.

d) The authors state that all the data and citations within the text and their respective bibliographic 
references have the sources and credits duly identified.

e) The authors contribute and can present the permission or authorization of those who possess the patrimonial rights for the use of tables and figures (illustrations, photographs, drawings, maps, diagrams or others), in the document submitted to Siwö 'Journal of Theology / Socio-religious Studies.

 f) If the postulated article is accepted for publication, the authors allow a free, exclusive and indefinite license of their patrimonial rights of authorship to the National University, for the following:

     - The first publication of the work under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share-Equal 4.0 International License.
     - The graphic and style edition of the work or part of it.
     - The publication and full reproduction of the work or part of it, both by printed and electronic means, including the Internet and any other technology known or to be known in the future.
     - The translation of the work or part of it into any language. 
     - The adaptation of the work to formats of reading, sound, voice and any other representation or technical mechanism available, which allows access to partially or totally blind people, or with some other type of impediment to access the conventional reading of the Article.
     - The distribution and making available to the public of the work, in such a way that all people can have access to it from the time and place that each person chooses, through the physical or electronic mechanisms available, through Access Open allowing Siwö ': Journal of Theology / Socio-religious Studies.
     - The possibility that readers can, free of charge, download, store, copy and distribute the final approved and published version of the article, as long as it is done without commercial purposes, no derivative works are generated, and the source is always mentioned and authorship of the work.
     - Any other form of use, process or system known or to be known that is related to the publishing activities and purposes to which Siwö’: Journal of Theology / Socio-religious Studies is linked. 

    g) The authors accept that the National University grants them the authorization to publish the final approved and published version of the article on the Internet or on any electronic site, as long as it is  carried out without profit. They accept that, with their collaboration, the article presented will be adjusted by the Journal's editing team, by means of the regulations previously established and published on the official website of Siwö 'Journal of Theology / Socio-religious Studies in terms of procedures, format, correction , edition, translation, publication, duration of the editorial process and other requirements requested in said standards. 

6. If the author does not comply with any of these guidelines, the Editorial Council may rule the article as rejected.

7. If a failure to the stipulations is discovered after publication, Siwö ’Journal of Theology / Socio
religious Studies must publish a retraction publicly explaining the situation.



Reference documents:

-Marcela Aguirre Cabrera. (2010). Glosario Latindex. 20/05/2019, de Latindex Sitio web:
-Cope, Code of conduct and best practice for journal editors