Tensions between fiction and historiography. The cases of La tierra del fuego, by Sylvia Iparraguirre and El libro de Daniel, by E. L. Doctorow


  • Cristopher Montero Corrales Universidad Técnica Nacional, Costa Rica, Costa Rica




Postmodernity, meta-literature, fiction, history, E.L. Doctorow, Sylvia Iparraguirre


This article deals with the tensions between historiography and fiction in literature, specifically in postmodern textual aesthetics. Initially, it poses generalities of the debate that have made it possible to homologate historical and fictional texts. Later, it analyzes the concept  of metaliterature or self-referentiality. It concludes with the analysis of the texts Tierra del fuego by Silvia Iparraguirre (2004) and El Libro de Daniel by E. L. Doctorov (2009) as texts that are constituted from these tensions between history/fiction and metaliterature.


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How to Cite

Tensions between fiction and historiography. The cases of La tierra del fuego, by Sylvia Iparraguirre and El libro de Daniel, by E. L. Doctorow. (2018). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 34(64), 27-34. https://doi.org/10.15359/tdna.34-64.2

How to Cite

Tensions between fiction and historiography. The cases of La tierra del fuego, by Sylvia Iparraguirre and El libro de Daniel, by E. L. Doctorow. (2018). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 34(64), 27-34. https://doi.org/10.15359/tdna.34-64.2

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