Keys to recue El Dorador, a lost chronicle of José Martí


  • David Leyva-González Centro de Estudios Martianos, Cuba



José Martí, Latin American Thought, Arts Critique


El Dorador is the title of a lost chron­icle of José Martí. The Cuban poet, before going to war, asks his secre­tary and friend Gonzalo de Quesada to rescue this text from his abundant stationery. However, neither Quesada nor the multiple editors Marti has had for more than a century have been able to fulfill this request. The present study offers some clues that bring us closer to this mysterious chronicle. Progressively, we are closer in pleasing the Martian desire before his passing in the fields of Cuba.

Author Biography

David Leyva-González, Centro de Estudios Martianos

Filólogo y ensayista
Centro de Estudios Martianos



García Marruz, F. (2005). “La canción del camino” En: María Teresa León. Cervantes el soldado que nos enseñó a hablar. La Habana: Edi¬torial Gente Nueva.

____________. (2010). El instante raro (Antología poética), Valencia: Editorial Pre-textos.

Shearer, J. F. (1954). Revista Hispánica Moderna, Nueva York, no. 1-2, enero-abril

Martí, J. (1975). Obras Completas. Edi¬torial Ciencias Sociales

New York Times. (19 de Febrero, 1885). “Rembrandt’s Gilder”, p. 4

El País. (28 abril, 1887) 10 (98): 2 columna 5.




How to Cite

Keys to recue El Dorador, a lost chronicle of José Martí. (2019). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 35(65), 99-106.

How to Cite

Keys to recue El Dorador, a lost chronicle of José Martí. (2019). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 35(65), 99-106.