“The roads are sexless and genderless” A proposal for the incorporation of women in Communitary Public Space under the framework of the cantonal road infrastructure, Naranjo, Costa Rica


  • Yolanda Pérez-Carrillo Pérez-Carrillo Escuela de Sociología, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica




Inequality, roads, community, municipality, gender, road infrastructure in Costa Rica


This article presents a project proposal that seeks to operationally define a rele- vant strategy for the local municipal government to define actions so that wo- men from nearby localities are incorporated into education and training proces- ses that will allow them to join community organizational dynamics, in the first instance, and later on to municipal political structures as community-municipal links, in such a way that they can have an influence on local decisions. Five areas of education and training are taken up in order to provide a basis for the incorporation of women in issues related to the road, especially in rural areas, where women have been made invisible.

Author Biography

Yolanda Pérez-Carrillo Pérez-Carrillo, Escuela de Sociología, Universidad Nacional

Académica e investigadora
Escuela de Sociología
Universidad Nacional
Costa Rica


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How to Cite

“The roads are sexless and genderless” A proposal for the incorporation of women in Communitary Public Space under the framework of the cantonal road infrastructure, Naranjo, Costa Rica. (2021). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 36(68), 109-119. https://doi.org/10.15359/tdna.36-68.8

How to Cite

“The roads are sexless and genderless” A proposal for the incorporation of women in Communitary Public Space under the framework of the cantonal road infrastructure, Naranjo, Costa Rica. (2021). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 36(68), 109-119. https://doi.org/10.15359/tdna.36-68.8

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