Memoria y globalización de una huaca en el Perú: los inicios de la iconización de Machu Picchu (1910-1915)


  • Yazmin López-Lenci



Machu Picchu, globalization, memory, travel narratives, modernity


This article addresses the beginning of the modern construction processof th e icon par excellence of cultural, territorial and national memory that  is emblematic of globality for Peru: Machu Picchu. To this end, it proposes the record of the symbolic-cultural genealogy that has given rise to the  Andean-Amazonian icon in the early twentieth century, from a critical interpretation that interrelates travel chronicles, reports of scientific expeditions, naturalistic and visual catalogs, as well as journalistic narratives and textualities linked to the growing tourism industry. From the analysis of the emergence of the story of the “discovery” of a “lost city”, the article analyzes the data on which this story is based and the objectives with which it was articulated since 1910 with the series of scientific and archaeological expeditions to the region of Cuzco.

Author Biography

Yazmin López-Lenci

Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya (UARM)



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How to Cite

Memoria y globalización de una huaca en el Perú: los inicios de la iconización de Machu Picchu (1910-1915). (2021). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 37(70), 1-35.

How to Cite

Memoria y globalización de una huaca en el Perú: los inicios de la iconización de Machu Picchu (1910-1915). (2021). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 37(70), 1-35.

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