Garifuna Spirituality: a source of well-being


  • Tesla Quevedo Fundación ECOSALUD, Honduras



Ancestral, culture, garifuna, spirituality, village, woman


The purpose of this essay is to present The Spirituality of the Garífuna People; a source of well-being, to inform about ancestral cultural practices that strengthen identity and generate a positive impact on the physical and emotional state of individuals and the community.
For the development of this document, interviews, bibliographic review and observation of the subject in the
natural context were carried out. The Spirituality of the Garífuna people is an authentic ancestral way of cultivating unity, seeking physical and emotional healing and celebrating life from a perspective of responsibility for the common good. This document is an approach that invites to deepen the study of the subject to make visible the cultural essence of the Garífuna people, to recognize and strengthen their good practices


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Linda Suyapa Gómez Villatoro, L., Paz Castellanos, B., Medina Riera, J., Fonseca Sánchez, P., Reyes Ticas, A., Erazo Trimarchi, G., & Cruz, F.

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Sanchez, J. C., & Perez Guarnieri, A. (2018). Palabra de OUNAGÜLEIS: La espiritualidad garífuna. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales



How to Cite

Garifuna Spirituality: a source of well-being. (2022). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 38(72), 1-8.

How to Cite

Garifuna Spirituality: a source of well-being. (2022). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 38(72), 1-8.

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