Centroamérica emboscada. La situación geoestratégica de la región en el siglo XXI.


  • Bryan González Hernández Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica


Geopolitics, geostrategy, Central America, Latin America


In order to understand the United States Internationalpolitics towards Latin America, one has tostart from the notions of “The Grand Area”, an ideainitially created at the dawn of the 20th century by UnitedStates and Nazi geopoliticians. Their main elementwill be the notion of the “Vital Space” (Lebensraum) and “Irradiation Area” or “Area of Influence”(Ausstrahlung). Therefore, the UnitedStates, wanting to have absolute controlof the continent, they cannot allow theexistence of elements and processes thatmay escape of their control, since thecontinent works as a platform for theirmilitary incursions, attacks and globalprojections against other powers. Facingan imminent collapse of the hegemony,the United States will search for ways togain absolute control of the entire continentthroughout diverse mechanisms,not only economically speaking butalso political and military. The heaviestpart of the interventionist politics of theUnited States will be fulfilled in the areabetween Mexico, Central America, Colombiaand the Caribbean. This satisfiesthe objective of consolidating a “BufferZone” which controls and represses thesocial movements of the region, and also,allows them to create unstable processesof union and independence which developin South America.

Author Biography

Bryan González Hernández, Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos Universidad Nacional

Costa Rica. Internacionalista. Máster en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Académico investigador. Coordinador del proyecto de investigación Geoestrategia Latinoamericana en el IDELA.


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How to Cite

Centroamérica emboscada. La situación geoestratégica de la región en el siglo XXI. (2013). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 27(50), 93-120. https://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/tdna/article/view/5525




How to Cite

Centroamérica emboscada. La situación geoestratégica de la región en el siglo XXI. (2013). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 27(50), 93-120. https://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/tdna/article/view/5525

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