Critical nodes, paradoxes and hegemony in the configuration of the State in Latin America


  • Jorge Daniel Vásquez-Arreaga Universidad Central de Ecuador, Ecuador



Latin America, Latin American National-States, Hegemony, Historical Sociology, Temas de Nuestra América


This article analyzes the formation of thenation-state in Latin America based on thereview of papers from historical sociologywhich goes over the configuration of the economicand political arena during the 19th. and20th. centuries. Some readings and discussionsheld at the seminar Formación de los EstadosNacionales en América Latina, led by historianValeria Coronel, of FLACSO, Ecuador set a keyfor reading based on the likely routes of the Statesconfiguration’s hegemony --in a Gramscian sense-- inorder to identify the consequences that building thisleadershiphad in shaping modern states.

Author Biography

Jorge Daniel Vásquez-Arreaga, Universidad Central de Ecuador

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación por el PUCE, Ecuador. Profesor en la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Investigador Asociado a FLACSO.


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How to Cite

Critical nodes, paradoxes and hegemony in the configuration of the State in Latin America. (2015). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 31(57), 55-80.




How to Cite

Critical nodes, paradoxes and hegemony in the configuration of the State in Latin America. (2015). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 31(57), 55-80.

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