IEBZAQUA. Body and Territory.
Education, tradicional knowledges, arts, body, territory, Muisca culture, Latin AmericaAbstract
Iebzaqua is a journey through a process that beings as a personal quest to integrate training as an artist into a pedagogical proposal with respect to the body and in relation to the conception of territory, from the physical and the symbolic, as a path of intercultural discovery and mutual learning with educational communities in different contexts. In this work, art, the body, and territory acquire a symbolic component; they are seen as the first territory of life, where experience originates, given that we learn with the body and through the body we look at the world. It is understood as a way of being, of living, and of placing oneself in the space. Subjectively, how I place myself as a subject in the territory and how I understand it in relation to cultural and historical possibilitiesReferences
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