Reading practices during the quarantine period. An experience from Argentina


  • María Gabriela Sánchez Directora Interina ISFD N° 11 Rincón de los Sauces- Neuquén-, Argentina



Reading, socialization, work networks, literature, Latin America, Argentina


This paper describes the learning experiences carried out during the 2020 school year in a teacher training institute (IFD 11) located in the province of Neuquén, Argentina. At the initiative of teachers, directors and students of the institution, under the title Había Una Vez (Once Upon a Time), a proposal for the dissemination of literary material was carried out through social networks and radios, where texts belonging to different genres were shared: album book, poetry, narrative, micro-story, theater and radio theater. Seeking to give voice to students from the community, this educational undertaking built networks and grew by sharing the productions with other educational institutions in the country and abroad, from the guide the words of Gianni Rodari: "The total use of the word for all is a beautiful motto of democratic sense, not so that everyone is an artist, but so that no one is a slave


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How to Cite

Reading practices during the quarantine period. An experience from Argentina. (2022). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 38(71), 1-8.

How to Cite

Reading practices during the quarantine period. An experience from Argentina. (2022). Temas De Nuestra América Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, 38(71), 1-8.

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