Evaluation of potential contamination of groundwater and spring protection areas of the Maravilla-Chiz and Quebrada Honda sub-basins, Cartago, Costa Rica
threat, groundwater quality, sources of pollution, land use, agriculture, protected areas, CartagoAbstract
The sub-basins of the Maravilla-Chiz and Quebrada Honda Rivers have an approximate area of 46.8 km2 and are located in the eastern part of the Costa Rican metropolitan area, where agricultural and livestock productions are the main economic activity. The sub-basins supply the populations nearby with groundwater sources. The objective of the paper was to determine the possible groundwater contamination by assessing the state of the protection areas of springs used for public water supply. For such purposes, potential point, line, and diffuse sources of contamination were considered and classified according to the POSH (Pollutant Origin and its Surcharge Hydraulically) method. The protected area corresponded to a 200 m radius around the headwaters (Costa Rican Law 276). Results identified that 7% of the area showed diffuse sources of high potential generating pollutant load, due to the large quantities of pesticides used in greens and vegetables, while 55% presented a moderate potential in plots of sugarcane, coffee, and urban areas with no sanitary sewer. Half of the point sources found were classified as a high potential and 46% as moderate. Of the 252 line-kilometers corresponding to rivers, road network, and pipeline, 89% was classified as moderate potential, 10% as high, and 1% as reduced. Finally, the invasion of line and diffuse sources in the spring protection areas was confirmed; therefore, the local government is recommended to start a legal procedure to address the problem.
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