Selection and analysis of videos in the initial training of early childhood mathematics education teachers: the R4 Rubric




early childhood mathematics education, teacher professional development, teaching practices, classroom videos, rubric


[Objective] Although the use of classroom videos is not a new topic in the initial training of early childhood mathematics education teachers, there are still unresolved research questions associated, above all, with criteria for selecting and analyzing these videos from both a didactic and disciplinary approach. From this perspective, the purpose of this article is to design and validate a rubric that serves this dual purpose. [Methodology] Based on a qualitative research paradigm, a 4x3 process has been followed, that is, a method sequenced in four phases with three steps in each one of them: 1) Review; 2) Creation; 3) Contrast and Evaluation; and 4) Improvement. [Results] The final version of the rubric, called R4, consists of 28 items organized in four dimensions: 1) Teaching role, on the role of the teacher in the classroom; 2) Response of children in the task to his/her performance; 3) Mathematical relations, on the type of mathematics; 4) and Resources, on the management and use of human resources and materials. For each dimension, several subdimensions are considered, 16 in total. [Conclusions] It is concluded that the R4 rubric addresses fundamental aspects (Teaching role, Childrens’ response, Mathematical relations and Resources) in the teaching work of an early childhood education teacher, which allows analyzing the teaching practice in a holistic and justified way.


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How to Cite

Selection and analysis of videos in the initial training of early childhood mathematics education teachers: the R4 Rubric. (2024). Uniciencia, 38(1), 1-25.



Original scientific papers (evaluated by academic peers)

How to Cite

Selection and analysis of videos in the initial training of early childhood mathematics education teachers: the R4 Rubric. (2024). Uniciencia, 38(1), 1-25.

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