Medida de la turbiedad atmosférica en un sitio urbano de gran densidad de población (ING)


  • Jaime Wright Gilmore Departamento de Física, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica


turbiedad, atmosférica, urbano, densidad


In this paper we estimated and analyzed the atmospheric turbidity behavior of the parameters α and β, that accompanies the Angstrom relation and the quality of atmospherical materials existent in an urban spot of high density in Turin, Italy. The values of α and β were compared with the number of particles present in the atmosphere with the Aitken Nucleus Counter.

It is found that instantaneous values of α are very irregular during the day, indicating a variation in the dimension and shape of the aerosols. The behavior of the parameter β  is very regular during the day. This means that there is a small variation in the quantity of the material existent in the atmosphere during the period of observations.






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