Extracción del pigmento astaxantina de desechos de crustáceos (ING)


  • Danilo Morales M. Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional
  • Marco A Calvo P. Departamento de Química, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica


Extracción, pigmento, crustáceos


The astaxanthin pigment was extracted from Procambarus clarkii and Solenocera agassizii wastes using a soilbean oil process. Extracts containing 22 mg of astaxanthin/100 g of oil and 104.2 mg of astaxanthin/100 g of oil were prepared fron crawfish (P.clarkii) and red shrimp (S.agassizii) wastes respectively.

The 104.2 mg of astaxanthin/100 g of oil highest than those reported for other crustacean wastes. Therefore, red shrimp wastes has good potencial as a natural pigment source, notably in aquatic diets for salmonid fishes, laying hens and the yolk of their eggs.




How to Cite

Extracción del pigmento astaxantina de desechos de crustáceos (ING). (1987). Uniciencia, 4(1-2), 51-56. https://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/uniciencia/article/view/5409



Original scientific papers (evaluated by academic peers)

How to Cite

Extracción del pigmento astaxantina de desechos de crustáceos (ING). (1987). Uniciencia, 4(1-2), 51-56. https://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/uniciencia/article/view/5409

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