Determinación del uso actual y potencial del suelo en fincas de los distritos de San Juan y San Pedro de Santa Bárbara de Heredia. (ING)


  • Cecilia Villalobos Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias (UNA), Costa Rica
  • Danilo Hernández Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias (UNA), Costa Rica
  • Fernando Mojica Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias (UNA), Costa Rica


Considering that from the perspective of sustainable agriculture the actual use of soil must be as close as possible to the potential use, a comparative analysis was carried out between actual and potential use of soil in San Juan and San Pedro of Santa Bárbara, Heredia, to establish also the relationship between actual use and degradation prosses. The study included 10 small farmers belonging to the Water Users Society.

The soils presented physical and chemical characteristics which made them suitable for agricultural production. The agroclimatic conditions of the zone favour the explotation of an ample group of crops: Most of the soils were classified in class II. Erosion was the main limitant.

Generally the actual use of soil fits the potential one, however there are management problems which provoke soil deterioration through erosion.






Original scientific papers (evaluated by academic peers)

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