GNSS Geodetic Network for Linking Between the Dynamic Datum SIRGAS and the CR05 System for Costa Rica


  • María José Rivas-Guzmán Centro Nacional de Procesamiento de Datos GNSS, Costa Rica
  • Jorge Moya-Zamora Centro Nacional de Procesamiento de Datos GNSS, Costa Rica



SIRGAS, CR05, Bernese, Costa Rica.


Before the appearance of positioning techniques, the use of reference systems, locally defined for the georeferencing in topographic and cartographic activities, was sufficient for most countries. However, with the progress of technology, especially of the positioning systems, the use of a global reference system became vital. In order to provide a dynamic reference frame, this project reflects the need of linking the Costa Rican official reference system (CR05) to modern processing techniques applied to continuous GNSS observation stations. The implemented methodology consisted of a processing carried out with the scientific software Bernese version 5.0. This processing took into account the standards established for SIRGAS Processing Centers for the semifree weekly adjustment, the link to SIRGAS reference frame, and the analysis of each solution.

The results given are drawn from the geocentric coordinates [X, Y, Z] of a network made up of 17 GNSS stations within the Costa Rican territory. The coordinates are referred to the 2012.98 epoch and their corresponding accuracies are 0.20 mm, 0.15 mm and 4.4mm respectively.


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