Enhanced Parallel bzip2 Compression with Lock-Free Queue


  • José Sánchez-Salazar Escuela de Informática, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Edward Aymerich-Sánchez Escuela de Ciencias de la Computación e Informática, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica




Computer programming, Data processing, Programming languages


Since the general trend nowadays is to have more and more processors (cores) available in each computer, the scalability of the data structures used in parallel programs must be carefully considered in order to guarantee that they take full advantage of the available processors. Because of increased containment, lock-based data structures usually do not perform proportionally as the number of processors increases. The use of well-designed lock-free data structures, like first in-first out, (fifo) queues, can boost the performance of a parallel program when many processors are available. In this work, a parallel version of bzip2, a popular compression and decompression program, is designed and implemented by using lock-free queues instead of the lock-based ones, and applying a two-buffer-output strategy. The performance of lock-free implementation is measured against lock-based implementations. Compression time was measured with different number of processors and different block sizes. Consistent with our hypothesis, the results show that our parallel lock-free implementation outperforms the other implementations.


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How to Cite

Enhanced Parallel bzip2 Compression with Lock-Free Queue. (2017). Uniciencia, 31(2), 37-49. https://doi.org/10.15359/ru.31-2.3



Original scientific papers (evaluated by academic peers)

How to Cite

Enhanced Parallel bzip2 Compression with Lock-Free Queue. (2017). Uniciencia, 31(2), 37-49. https://doi.org/10.15359/ru.31-2.3

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