Spectral and chromatic analysis of automotive acrylic lacquers for white paint touch up using Unsupervised Pattern Recognition





color, CIELab, whiteness index, automotive paint, chemometrics, acrylic lacquers


The color of white acrylic lacquers utilized to touch up automotive paint was characterized in this paper using the CIELab color space and the whiteness index, with standard illuminant D65 and the standard observer at ten degrees. Based on this information, the color trends used in this type of product in the national market were recognized. In addition, the chemometric techniques of the Principal Component Analysis, Cluster Analysis, and Hierarchical Analysis allowed for recognition of similarities between the observed colors, which found, among other aspects, the greatest visual difference in the pearl white lacquer. On the other hand, the Alaskan white lacquer from Mazda and the universal white lacquer from Nissan were the most similar. It is also concluded that the chromatic and chemometric analyses of spectral data complemented each other; therefore, both are recommended for quality control purposes.


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How to Cite

Spectral and chromatic analysis of automotive acrylic lacquers for white paint touch up using Unsupervised Pattern Recognition. (2019). Uniciencia, 33(1), 61-74. https://doi.org/10.15359/ru.33-1.5



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How to Cite

Spectral and chromatic analysis of automotive acrylic lacquers for white paint touch up using Unsupervised Pattern Recognition. (2019). Uniciencia, 33(1), 61-74. https://doi.org/10.15359/ru.33-1.5

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