Representation in the solution of mathematical problems: an analysis of metacognitive strategies of secondary education students




problem solving, representation records, mathematics teaching, secondary education, representation register, metacognition


This article seeks to show the importance of solving verbal mathematics problems, and the role of metacognitive regulation in this process. To do so, awareness will be raised in secondary school teachers regarding the use of problem-solving as an exploratory resource in the metacognitive strategies applied by students, which teachers may use as input to modify methodologies in the classroom, both individually and collectively. A theoretical framework focused on the use of problem solving is provided as a didactic resource, paying special attention to the representations students use during problem solving to facilitate their understanding of a problem. Quasi-experimental research was carried out on a non-random sample of 99 students from the first and third years of secondary school, who solved problems with guidance focused on handling numerical and geometrical concepts. The results show clear differences in the metacognitive strategies used by students during the solution of these types of problems; teachers must therefore adapt their guidance strategies based on the mathematical content addressed.


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How to Cite

Representation in the solution of mathematical problems: an analysis of metacognitive strategies of secondary education students. (2020). Uniciencia, 34(1), 263-280.



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How to Cite

Representation in the solution of mathematical problems: an analysis of metacognitive strategies of secondary education students. (2020). Uniciencia, 34(1), 263-280.

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