Knowledge of prospective mathematics teachers on notable products




mathematical knowledge for teaching, mathematics education, teacher training, notable product, preservice teachers, knowledge of mathematics


This paper studies preservice math teachers' knowledge regarding notable products. The qualitative and descriptive study is conducted with university students in a program for high school mathematics teachers. The theoretical elements used were analysis criteria related to Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. This theoretical foundation allowed the analysis of the preservice teachers' knowledge through a questionnaire. The paper presents evidence of the mathematical activity of preservice teachers when solving tasks and lessons involving notable products. Results report the inconsistencies in preservice teachers' knowledge and the strengths that they manifest in the subdomains of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. These results suggest areas of development necessary for teacher training.


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How to Cite

Knowledge of prospective mathematics teachers on notable products. (2021). Uniciencia, 35(1), 90-107.



Original scientific papers (evaluated by academic peers)

How to Cite

Knowledge of prospective mathematics teachers on notable products. (2021). Uniciencia, 35(1), 90-107.

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