An Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning in Solving Probability Problems Judging from Learning Styles: The Converger




Mathematical Reasoning, Probability Problem, Learning Styles


[Background] Several challenges are encountered by students when attempting to solve probability problems, one of which relates to reasoning about the given problem scenario. This phenomenon may arise due to variations in students’ learning styles. [Objective] Thus, the current study aimed to examine students’ reasoning abilities when dealing with probability problems, focusing on those with converging learning styles. [Method] This study employed a qualitative method, involving two students with a converging learning style who were invited to solve reasoning tasks. Three instruments were utilized: learning style questionnaire, mathematical reasoning tasks, and semi-structured interviews. The research data was analyzed through data reduction and display. [Results] The study’s findings revealed that, in solving probability problems, convergers (students with a converging learning style) primarily relied on imitative reasoning. These students demonstrated four patterns. First, they accurately and comprehensively articulated known information from a question and correctly identified the question being asked. Second, they possessed a conceptual understanding of probability but provided inaccurate explanations regarding arithmetic sequences. Although they could devise problem-solving strategies, their articulation of these strategies lacked precision. Third, they utilized the concept of probability and employed problem-solving strategies to solve the given problem and explain the steps involved in reaching the solution. Four, they derived answers from problem-solving strategies and drew accurate conclusions, often exhibiting a tendency to trust their answers and subsequently verify them. [Conclusions] Students with converging learning styles predominantly used imitative reasoning when solving probability problems.


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How to Cite

An Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning in Solving Probability Problems Judging from Learning Styles: The Converger. (2024). Uniciencia, 38(1), 1-20.



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How to Cite

An Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning in Solving Probability Problems Judging from Learning Styles: The Converger. (2024). Uniciencia, 38(1), 1-20.

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