Characterization of inequation tasks in primary school textbooks




Mathematical inequality, Early algebra, Inequations, Math task, Primary education


[Objective] This study characterized mathematical inequation tasks in Chilean primary school textbooks for 4th and 5th graders (9 and 10 year olds). [Methodology] A qualitative descriptive study was conducted considering the following six categories: algebraic practices involved, syntactic structure of the expressions, meaning of the concept of inequation, resolution strategies, level of cognitive demand, and context. The sample is comprised of 206 tasks from math textbooks. [Results] The characterised tasks have few practices leading to algebraic thinking, and it is the alphanumeric symbolic representation the one that predominantly stands out within these practices. The structure of the expressions shows little variety for generalising and reasoning, the latter having repercussions on the resolution strategies, which are not progressively addressed in order to improve their comprehension. The proposed tasks present different meanings of inequation. Regarding the cognitive demand, most of the tasks consist of connected and unconnected procedures. Finally, the most frequent contexts are mathematical, while the ones with the least presence are personal, social, and occupational contexts. [Conclusions] It is concluded that improving task design is necessary. The proposed categories are a tool to visualise which elements are taken into consideration and to improve inequation tasks.


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Characterization of inequation tasks in primary school textbooks. (2024). Uniciencia, 38(1), 1-25.



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Characterization of inequation tasks in primary school textbooks. (2024). Uniciencia, 38(1), 1-25.

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